Do you have user manuals for the software on the server?
If there is a user manual on the web then we provide a link to it for most applications. To access
them go to the Reference page and look under the
application you want the manual for. There will be a link called "Manual," "Documentation"
or "Guide". Click on that and it will take you to there. Most of this documentation is
on a third party server which is ussually to official site for the software. This way you
will have access to the latest version.
You should be aware that not all software has manuals or other sources of documentation.
If you have questions you will have to locate news groups / message boards where you can
often find a huge wealth of knowledge. If you have a problem / question then someone
has probably had the same one. Google
is a good place to start your search.
Each application listed on the Reference page has
a link to its "Homepage". Normally these pages have FAQ, instructions on performing
specific tasks and links to other resources.
The resources listed on the Reference page are far from extensive.
They are a starting point.
Not all applications available on the server have a listing in the Reference page.
The most popular ones are listed there. If you would like one added please
contact us and we would be happy
to create it for you.
Shell commands are not listed on the Reference page as there are
literally hundreds if not thousands of them. There are detailed manuals that can be
accessed from the shell command prompt using the "man" or "info" pages. For help with
them you can read the "man" man page by typing "man man" on the command prompt.
Many Perl modules are also installed on the server. As there are thousands of these we
do not provide direct access to manuals. Most Perl modules have manuals that can be accessed
from the shell command prompt by using "man perl" or "perldoc" commands. Another good source is to go
to the Perl homepage and searching there. If you cannot find what you are looking for please
contact us so we can help you.
We also provide a list of installed
We do not maintain a list of manuals for PHP modules as there are also hundreds of them.
Unlike Perl, PHP does not have support using the "man" or "info" commands.
Information about the modules can often be obtained from the PHP home page or a
Google search.
If you cannot find what you are looking for please
contact us so we can help you.
As always, we are here to help. If you have a problem we can be reached at